We all Scream for Ice Cream... and Pink Blush Maternity & GIVEAWAY!
March 19, 2016Hitting the 19th week of my twin pregnancy and it's just sunk in, that with my tummy full of twins, we're past the halfway mark.
And finally my tummy is also ready to be full of something else... food!
The first trimester was a real roller coaster for me, having been diagnosed with hypermesis, spending a heck of a lot of time in the ER, and getting myself set up with home IV infusion therapy.. it wasn't the easiest few months... but I wouldn't change anything.
We're nearing my fifth month of pregnancy and so far everything is looking rosy. Which is why, when Pink Blush Maternity got in touch with me, I was so excited! The maternity boutique is known for their cute maternity clothing, so when Pink Blush offered to send me something from their wonderful line to cheer me up it was such a treat!
After months of being stuck inside, and weeks attached to an IV there was nothing more I wanted on a sunny day than to head out to one of Rhode Island's beautiful beaches and clear some cobwebs.
Now that I'm feeling good, heading out more and actually have a baby bump (!) there's nothing more I love than showing off my tummy full of twins. Some of my maternity clothes do a great job of skimming my curves but I love that in the fitted style of this top there's no question of 'cheese burger or babies?'. The pretty mint stripes are also completely 'on brand' with Holly Likes to Cook!
After taking in the blustery wonderfulness that was Goosewing Beach in Little Compton, my appetite was screaming for something... and so to Simmons Cafe and Market!
The cafe serves amazing Maple Valley Creamery ice cream, even out of season, so if a bracing walk on the beach wasn't enough of a draw to head to the coast, this ice cream should be.
One of my go to's when keeping my calorie count up was a real challenge, was high quality ice cream. Yep, I know it's not the most nutritionally valuable food source but knowing I was choosing something made with real milk, cream and fruit made me feel like I was getting a small win in the calcium and fat stakes.
Thanks to the generous folks over at Pink Blush Maternity, you could be in with a chance to win a $75 giftcard to their online maternity boutique!
Head over to my Instagram to find out how!

This post was written with kind thanks to Pink Blush Maternity who kindly sent me the beautiful top you see in the photographs. Although I was lucky enough to receive the shirt free of charge, all opinions are my own... and, my Instagram can attest to the fact that, I pretty much live in this top!
Want to work with me? I'd love to talk! Send me an email at holly@hollylikestocook.com
Love this post!!! Super cute!
Thank you so much Alexa Johnson! It was such a lovely day out in the sun, I can't believe it's going to snow here tonight!