Eos Lip Balm: The busy mum's secret weapon

November 08, 2016

Gone are the days of me spend a chunk of time in front of the mirror putting my face on each morning. I was never a heavy make up kind of gal, without wanting to sound too much like Gone Girl's Amazing Amy; I was never that high maintenance in the beauty department.

Don't get me wrong, I loved a dramatic smokey eye or a slick of red lippy for a night out, but day to day I kept things pretty low key: cover up for my tricky skin and a slick of mascara for my pale-are-they-even-there lashes, and I was out the door.

Now, even that is a once is a while occurrence! With my hair having undergone the chop (courtesy of Lulu Locks of Suite Tart- more on that to come soon!), and my daily ablutions consisting of a 37 second shower (or handful of baby wipes on a bad day) my beauty products need to work really hard to keep me happy.. or even slightly interested.

A drug store register staple, Eos lip balms (available at Target) are as hard working as they are adorable. You could be forgiven for thinking that in their impulse/easy to grab packaging (and at less than $5 a pop) they might be a bit naff... but that's just not the case.

Aside from smelling delicious (especially the minty flavour), they are cute as a button and actually perform really well- the chances of me reapplying anything on the regs is slim to none, so that's key 
for me!

I have one of these little baubles in my diaper bag, in my actual grown up hand bag, and rolling about in my glove box- hopefully increasing the chances of me looking at least a little bit put together at some point. 

I've already stashed a selection of these away for stocking stuffers, including these three pretties: Vanilla Bean (cream), Coconut Milk (pink swirl), my fav Sweet Mint (green), and if you're still mourning the end of summer- Summer Fruit (not pictured but available here)!

What's your go to beauty must for busy mums? 

Thank you so much to Eos for offering me the chance to snag some free lippies to sooth my neglected lips, whilst I did not have to pay for the product I only work with brands and products I genuinely enjoy. 

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