Hello January + Rockport Shoes: Made for Movers
January 11, 2017
Hello January! The month of New Years resolutions and good intentions... that usually fall by the wayside a few weeks later.
My favourite time of the year has always been September; It's always felt like a new start. I think it must be a hangover from school days, but that feeling of a new (school) year, new stationary, new projects, the next chapter, always made me feels excited and renewed.
As I get further away from my school years (yikes!) January has snuck into performing that 'fresh new start' feeling for me.
My husband calls me Scrooge because of it, but I do love taking down the Christmas decorations right after New Years Eve and seeing the house look so clean and comparatively uncluttered. It's a slightly different feeling this year as the absence of decorations has revealed more of the new home we are living in, more walls to be painted and DIY projects to completed; though that in itself is quite exciting.
Like most, I want to get fitter this year, not just because of the excess of the holiday season but to get my body back to where I'm comfortable after the birth of my boys.
I may be one of the only women who put on weight AFTER the birth of their twins! Though the boys were thankfully unaffected by it, I struggled to gain weight during my pregnancy. I think I put on about 20lbs during the entire pregnancy due to hyperemesis gravidarum up until 15 weeks, then the absence of appetite once the sickness dispersed.
Post birth, the stress and focus of the boys being in the NICU whilst I breastfed/pumped milk had me rushing around and not really taking much notice of what I was eating. As such, I was at my slimmest of the last ten years about six weeks after the boys were born.
Once they were home and our stress levels mellowed a bit, the pounds started creeping on through a combination of comfort foods, little cardio exercise (unfortunately getting up eight times a night and changing twenty diapers a day didn't count!) and being too exhausted to care!
Now I'm ready to get back into shape, my focus is on fitness rather than appearance (though having just booked our first summer holiday in five years, feeling happy in beachwear wouldn't be an awful side effect!).
Now that i've treated ourselves to a fancy new stroller (the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double) and snagged Charlie's hand me down FitBit, walking has become a regular feature of mine and the babies day. Daddy joins us on the weekends for something a little more adventurous and further afield.
I have fibromyalgia, so I find that gentle exercise in well supporting gear is best for me. I've never really taken the time to invest in my footwear, previously I've been more likely to be in ballet pumps or Ugg boots- cute, but neither offer much support for active folks.
I'm wholly embracing #mumlife, but theres a limit- I'm not ready for run of the mill tennis shoes. Supportive of ones knees and back though they may be, i'm not about that life.
Knowing that their "customers are constantly on-the- go, doing what they love... want[ing] to look good and feel good without a second thought" they offer supporting, quality shoes without compromising on style.
I chose their Cobb Hill FreshExcite boots to add to my closet. I loved that they looked like stylish hiking boots, something I could wear on the trail or at the grocery store with my skinny jeans.
I've be stomping around in these babies for a month or two now, pretty much the only time they aren't on my feet is when I'm in bed. Not only were they great when we went to choose our Christmas tree on a chilly but dry day in December; they've proven not to be a case of style over substance as my toes have been kept toasty warm during our snowy January.
Rockport have an awesome sale on over on their website where my booties are down from $160 to just $99! (This isn't an affiliate link or money earner for me, just a heads up on how to treat yo feet).
I'll keep you posted on the success of my winter walking campaign (anyone want to hold me accountable and be a FitBit friend hit me up!) and be posting a little review of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double once I've given it a bit more of a test run.
What are your New Years Resolutions? Did you find it tough fitting in exercise to your new #mumlife/#momlife? Let me know if you get yourself a pair of Rockports!
Thank you so much to Rockport for gifting me the most amazing boots my feet have ever had the pleasure of hanging out in. Whilst I did not have to pay for my shoes, I was asked to offer my genuine opinion of how they performed in return. I did not guarantee a positive review so these options and experiences are my own honest ones. Though I did receive compensation in the form of goods for this post I only work with brands and products I genuinely enjoy.
If you would like to work with me please feel free to reach out at holly@hollylikestocook.com