Not so naughty Potato Gratin
March 15, 2014I'm of the opinion that carbs are a pretty essential component of any meal. Pasta, rice, bread, potato accompany pretty much any meal I make. As such there's often a decent amount of repetition amongst the carb rota so i'm always trying to make the good old potato into something more than mash or chips.
Potato Dauphinoise is probably the best thing you can do with a potato but the cream content does put it into the 'once in a while' category. I like to make a version of Boulangere Potatos when I really fancy something a bit more indulgent but the scales are warning me off the cream.
Ingredients: Quantities will depend on how many you are cooking for, below are for 2 people
2 large potatoes
4 cloves of garlic
About 2-3 cups of chicken stock (vegetable if you are that way included)
A little butter
Salt and pepper
Slice the potatoes very, very thinly- if you have a mandolin use that. Lay out a layer of potato slices across the base of the dish, grate over some garlic, salt and pepper. Continue to layer up the potatoes, garlic and seasoning until the dish is full.
Pour over the stock until it fills the dish.
You can cover and freeze for later or cook immediately.
To cook, cover with foil and place a slightly smaller pan of the same shape on top o the foil. It is a good idea to place the dishes onto a baking tray in case any stock spills over. Way down the top pan with something heavy that is oven proof (iron pan, baking dish, baking beads etc.)
Bake in a moderate oven, 350-70F, for about 40 minutes. After the initial baking time, remove the foil, spread some butter over the top and turn the oven temperature to 400F Bake for a further 10 minutes until the top of crisp and brown.